Some people are outraged about the comments made on a conservative blog about the Obama children. Okay, you're outraged. The Carter, Clinton and Bush (41) children were all criticized or scrutinized while living in the White House. Their parents raised them in spite of the nasty things that people said about them, and they have survived. It doesn't make it right. It's disgusting, but it's the game. Honestly, did anyone really expect less from these 'patriots'? America was built on a divide and conquer, I-am-better-than-you mentality. There's no outrage in having to read about these insults in a Canadian paper - the outrage is that the WORLD recognizes what we won't, which is that America still can't get past race.
These people aren't mad that Malia Obama wore a peace t-shirt; they're mad that her father is leading an adminstration that is doing its damnedest to get us out of the holes that the ol' boys dropped us into! They are mad that her parents don't have holes in their characters and that they are received and regarded with grace, dignity and courtesy by world leaders. They are mad because the face of America no longer looks like "them". They should get over themselves.
The old folks used to talk about the "nice-nasty" ways of some white people when it came to black people. Not just the 'whites only' and the backs of the bus and the building, but putting things down so they wouldn't have to touch you. Addressing you out of your name or in the third person. The old people would also say things like don't go to sleep on your enemy, and it's better to know your enemy outright than to think someone likes you. We might not know the cyber-bigots by name, but we know they exist. There's no rule that you have to be smart to use a computer, or that you have to have to post facts instead of basura.
I would be willing to bet a dollar against a very large bucket of fertilizer that the posters who spewed racial slurs against the Obama children on that blog would suffer from terminal lockjaw if given the opportunity to stand face to face with President Barack Obama and say those same things to him. Freedom of speech allowed them to post that garbage. Let them try that in China, or Iran. offers one definition of 'doing the most' as
"Trying way too hard to be impressive but only causing self-embarrassment." Fits better than a t-shirt!
If you want to throw rocks and hide your hand, and keep on with the insults and lies, knock yourself out. The rest of us will engage in adult discussions about what we can do to help put our country on solid footing, and then we'll put the plans into play. While you're doing the most, we'll be doing our best.
The Window Seat by Karen Caffee is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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